Specifications and Advantages Of System :
- This system hes been designed for capacities equal to / and over 0.5 Kg of Chlorine gas .
- It has a hydrogen neutralizing fan on the tank of the product .
- It is equiped to thermometer for protecting from overheat of the solution .
- It is equiped to level switch for controlling the level of the solution in the reactor .
- It has PLC and board controlling system for launching the electrodes , monitiring and controlling the performance of system .
- Softner sustem with semi-automatic valve for removing the hardness of water with silica and resin and piping .
- The most important advantage of this system is how to design the cells . In ths model , according to the disinfection capacity of cells , it has been designed and arranged in serial and if there is a damage to one of cell during operating one of cells , another electrode will be activated with capability of increasing the efficiency up to 50% and prevents product quality loss .
- It has a system for controlling and stabilizing the power applied on electrodes .
This device includes two tank , one for producing sodium hypochlorite and another one for storing the product together with an electrode of Titanium type with Iridium and Rubidium metal cover together with temporal cntrols required with a rectifier and hydrogen diluting fan with movability . In this device , after producing the brine solution with given percentage , operator will produce the Sodium Hypochlorite .